Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hi, and welcome!! This is going to be a work in progress for a little while so bear with me. I've been wanting to start a blog for quite some time but honestly I always thought to myself "what in the world do I have to say that anyone would want to read??". Well, I actually still haven't figured that piece out yet, but I figure why not, right? This month has been a month of firsts so I thought this would be as good a time as any to get started.

I'm hoping to share my love of sewing (and fabrics... Ohhh I love fabric!!!) some tutorials and lots about the world of Miss Ryleigh, my independent, diva in the making, 4 year old. Most of my inspiration comes from her, and sewing for her is what dug up a passion that I had pushed aside since high school.

Oh boy, high school, makes me feel a little dated, hehe! Good old Mrs G, that was my Fashion and Design teacher starting in 9th grade. I loved her class (and her!), she was the sweetest, most patient instructor for a class like this. I stopped in once or twice not long after graduating but it's been awhile (let's just say a few years ago, cause I don't really want to admit show long ago it was). Really, she was a big part of why I enjoyed learning to sew. I need to see if she is still there, would be neat to see her again or at least share where my sewing is taking me now :)

Which brings us to today... Or at least the month of July. I've always just enjoyed making things for myself or family but I've finally decided to branch out and share what I love doing with others. I had a little push from some close friends and the 2nd sewing mentor in my life (who I'll save for another post since this one is already way too long) and I'm so glad they are here cheering me on cause it's been a roller coaster and I've needed them along the way, that's for sure! I hope they know how much I appreciate them all...and if not, they do now :)

Hopefully I've not bored anyone too much and you can come back tomorrow for our first tutorial - how to stabilize a ribbed tank with elastic and make the cutest tank dress!

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